“Hello, my name is Alan and I am the 5th generation of acupuncturists in my family. After leaving school, I began my journey of continuing my father’s family tradition of becoming a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) doctor.
In 2006, I went to China to study at the most prestigious Chinese medical university – Beijing University of Chinese Medicine (BUCM). It was during my 5 year course here, that led me to further develop a deeper understanding and interest of TCM, acupuncture and herbal medicine.
After qualifying as a TCM doctor in 2011, I undertook a further 2 years’ work experience at a major hospital in Beijing, where the primary healthcare was TCM. Here, I trained under the watchful guidance of some of the most highly distinguished doctors within the industry, who mentored me throughout my time there. Working in different departments of a busy hospital, I gained invaluable experience in the treatment of pain related conditions, depression and infertility, just to name a few. I now hope to apply my experience in my own establishment.”
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